Friday, February 22, 2013

Parkour Conditioning for the week of 16-22 February 2013

Saturday, 16 Feb. 2013 -
  • 10-11am Lifting - P90X Back and Biceps.
Sunday, 17 Feb. 2013 -
  • 8-9am Lifting - P90X Chest and Shoulders.
  • 6-630pm PK Conditioning - Challenge: 100 Plant Plyos for time. *Note: I was only able to complete 80 Plant Plyos at a time of 13:41:18 due to my left knee developing a severe pain on the left side of the knee cap. The time is +/- 1:00 since I reached 77 Plant Plyos before pain began and had to take the last 3 at a much slower pace.
Monday, 18 Feb. 2013 - *Note: The injury sustained to my knee appears to show similar symptoms to jumpers knee and because of this any activity; sitting, standing, walking, laying, moving, standing still, etc. have caused severe pain in my knee, leg, hamstrings, and hip flexors. Due to this, I have decided to spend the week stretching and moving slowly working on being able to fix the issue. Rest proved to be difficult as I was in pain at all times for the first 7 days but have been improving each day regaining mobility and strength.*
  • 7-715am Stretching - Just some basic yoga postures and additional stretches focused on the knees.
  • 530-615pm Stretching - Stretches specific to the knees, gluts, hamstrings, inner thighs, and hip flexors.
Tuesday, 19 Feb. 2013 -
  • 720-730am Stretching.
  • 6630-715pm Stretching - Stretches specific to the knees, gluts, hamstrings, inner thighs, and hip flexors.
Wednesday, 20 Feb. 2013 -
  • 7-720am Stretching.
  • 545-630pm Stretching - Stretches specific to the knees, gluts, hamstrings, inner thighs, and hip flexors.
Thursday, 21 Feb. 2013 -
  • 7-730m Stretching - Stretches specific to the knees, gluts, hamstrings, inner thighs, and hip flexors.
  • 6-630pm Stretching - Stretches specific to the knees, gluts, hamstrings, inner thighs, and hip flexors.
Friday, 22 Feb. 2013 -
  • 7-720m Stretching - Stretches specific to the knees, gluts, hamstrings, inner thighs, and hip flexors.
  • 630-715pm Stretching - Stretches specific to the knees, gluts, hamstrings, inner thighs, and hip flexors.