Friday, January 11, 2013

Parkour Conditioning for the week of 5 - 11 January 2013

Saturday, Jan. 5, 2013 -
  • 10-11am Lifting - P90X Chest and Back.
  • 530-6pm PK Conditioning - 3 rounds with 10 reps each exercise: Pull-ups, Pop-up push-ups, knees to elbows, and one legged step ups. ***Note: I was unable to complete the 5 rounds I originally intended due to the tearing of calluses on both my hands. Once they heal I will go back and repeat this workout.***
Explanation of exercises -
  • Pull-ups are overhand shoulder width apart. Beginners can find a lower bar if need be and work on jumping pull-ups, or just work on grip strength by hanging from the bar for as long as possible. Intermediates can work on negatives or with minimizing the amount of leg power used in jumping pull-ups.
  • Pop-up push-ups are normal push-ups with a hard push when in the up position and leaving the ground placing hands on wall or ledge in front of you. Then pushing off wall or ledge and catching yourself with hands on ground going into next push-up. Beginners can work on pushing off the ground and just getting air or with no push, when in up position walk hands one at a time up to wall or ledge and ten walk back down. Intermediates try to pop-up with one hand at a time and place it on wall or ledge. 
  • Knees to elbows are performed by hanging from pull-up bar and raising knees up to elbows. Beginners work on just getting knees up and minimizing swing of body. Intermediates work on getting knees higher and minimize swing of body.
  • One legged step ups are done by stepping up on a box, bench, ledge, etc. and hoping up, then stepping back down. Perform equal amounts of reps on each side. 
Sunday, Jan. 6, 2013 -
  • 830-930am Core - P90X Core Synergistics.
  • 10-1010am Swimming & Stretching.
Monday, Jan. 7, 2013 -
  • Rest day - No workouts.
Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2013 -
  • 650-710pm - PK Conditioning - APK Workout of the day: 15 minutes for max rounds of - 10 Broad jump burpees, 10 Tuck jumps, 10 Plyo push-ups, 10 Sit-ups. Conclude with a stretch. ***Note: I completed 4 rounds in 20 minutes.***
Explanation of Exercises -
  • Broad jump burpees are performed by combining 2 techniques into 1. The best example of this is seen here in this Demon Drills video. Beginners if not feeling comfortable or confident with this movement can work on smaller broad jumps or lunges and then do a normal push-up. Intermediates can work on combining the broad jump with the burpee and try to make it one smooth fluid motion. 
  • Tuck jumps can be seen in this Demon Drills video. Beginners can start by just working on small tuck jumps focusing on getting their knees up to their chest not their heels to their butts. This is very important in performing this movement as it will help ensure safety, proper landings, and increase the individuals ability to jump higher. Intermediates can focus on landing softly with little noise and on getting their knees higher and/or jumping higher as well. 
  • Plyo push-ups are an incredible movement exercise that can help anyone's training overall. It is important to note to take your time with these and gradually progress into them as they can be difficult in the beginning. Please see this Demon Drills video for an example. In addition, towards the end of the video there are links to beginners progressions and intermediates progressions. I would recommend reading and watching all first before starting exercise. 
  • Sit-ups can be performed a number of different ways but I would recommend starting with something simple as seen in this American Parkour video. If there is a ledge or something you can hook your feet under to support yourself then please use it to make this exercise easier.
Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013 -
  • Today is my birthday workout:
  • 730-820am Cardio - Insanity Pure Cardio.
Thursday, Jan. 10, 2013 -
  • 730-815am Cardio - Insanity Core.
  • 655-715pm PK Conditioning - 4 rounds of - 10 squat push ups, 10 half handstands, 10 side to side floor hops, 10 second holds of handstands against wall.
  • Watching youtube videos on different yoga techniques and workout ideas.
Explanation of exercises - 
  • Squat push ups are best explained in this Insanity instructional video. Beginners work on lowering yourself slowly into the push up and hold body weight up if to difficult in the beginning. Intermediates work on popping up off the ground quicker and gaining speed.
  • Half handstands start with straight legs in a wide stance. Lower hands to floor in front of you then hop into a half handstand supporting your weight with hands while keeping your legs straight and wide. Once up, come back down and repeat. Beginners work on supporting weight with arms and when hopping up slowly progress to a height you are comfortable with. The goal is to get the hips above your head with legs straight in a pike position. Intermediates work on hips being above head and holding position for 1-3 seconds. Also, you can focus on lowering back to the floor more slowly thus increasing your strength and ability.
  • Side to side floor hops are best explained in this Body Weight Training video. Beginners focus on supporting weight as you hop side to side while working on getting hips higher. Intermediates focus on getting hips as high as possible and/or work on adding speed to the movements.
  • Wall handstand is best seen in this Demon Drills video. Beginners work on getting back straight and supporting weight with arms. You can also face away from wall until confidence and strength build allowing for a more difficult wall handstand. Intermediates work on increasing time of handstand hold and keeping a straight body.
Friday, Jan. 11, 2013 -
  • 815-9am Yoga - Yoga Today Backbends.
  • 630-7pm PK Conditioning - 3 rounds with 10 reps each exercise: Pull-ups, Pop-up push-ups, knees to elbows, and one legged step ups. ***Note: My hands are still not at their best so I did not complete the 5 rounds for time. Instead I did 3 rounds at my own pace allowing my hands enough time in between to recover.
Explanation of exercises -
  • For an explanation of PK Conditioning exercises see Saturday, Jan. 5, 2013.